About The Bot

The following service messages would be deleted by RemoveJoinGroupMsgBot:

"... joined the group"

"... joined the group via invite link"

"... added ..."

"... was accepted to the group"

"... lefted the group"

How to use the bot:

RemoveJoinGroupMsgBot IconBot URL: https://t.me/RemoveJoinGroupMsgBot

1. Add @RemoveJoinGroupMsgBot to your Telegram group
2. Promote @RemoveJoinGroupMsgBot as an administrator with permission to delete messages
3. Done! The bot would function automatically. Noted that previous joined group messages cannot be deleted

Why should these join group messages be deleted?

In a large group, it is easy to be flooded with join group messages, removing them could keep the conversation clean and create a better discussion environment.

Bot Statistics


groups using RemoveJoinGroupMsgBot


service messages deleted in last 24 hours

(Last Update: 2025-03-13)